Rajgira Dosa Recipe
Protein rich Rajgira Dosa for both regular and upwas related breakfast or snacks.
Servings Prep Time
4Dosas 10minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4Dosas 10minutes
Cook Time
  1. In a clean big bowl, mix the Rajgira flour, rava/varai, salt, sugar, buttermilk and water for a mixture with pouring consistency. If using curd, beat the curd well before adding to the dry ingredients.
  2. Let it soak for minimum 2 hour.
  3. Just before preparing the dosas, add chopped onion and coriander
  4. On a hot iron girdle, pour 1 TBSP of oil and spread it evenly on it. Heat the girdle on a medium flame till you can sense the warmth if you place your hand 2 inches above the girdle.
  5. Now take a ladle full of batter and pour it on the girdle in a manner that it forms a nice net pattern. Close the formed dosa with a lid and cook it till the water from the lid starts hitting the pan with a sound. Now open the lid, flip the dosa and let it cook for 2 min without the lid.
  6. Take it off the girdle and place onto a plate. Rajgira Dosa is ready to be served
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