Strawberry Jam Recipe
Strawberry Jam prepared using fresh strawberries, sugar and lemon juice.
Servings Prep Time
300gm 10minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
300gm 10minutes
Cook Time
  1. Rinse and remove the green leaf, twigs etc from the Strawberries.
  2. Chop the Strawberries into big chunks (size reduces when cooked)
  3. In a wide mouthed thick bottom pan, combine and strawberries and lemon juice. Cook on a low flame till the juices are released. The cooking should reach a gentle boiling consistency only post which add sugar. Stir continuously during this stage.
  4. Add the sugar, gently mix and let the sugar dissolve . Once dissolved on a medium high flame bring the mixture to a boil and cook it becomes thick and the strawberry pieces look translucent. Boiling is the right way to prepare Jams as it helps to release pectin, a fibrous compound. DO NOT stir once sugar is added , else crystallization starts and the fruit might also break
  5. Take a clean glass jar and sterilize it by boiling the jar and lid in water for 5-10 minutes. Let it dry on its own, don’t wipe. You can also dry it in oven on a low temperature
  6. Once the Jam is slightly cooled , fill the Jar till 1cm gap remains between the top and Jam. Close the lid, keep a wax paper in middle to prevent any condensation of Jam.
  7. Label the Jar with date and Name. Store in a cool dry place before opening and later in fridge once opened.
Recipe Notes

The lemon juice and sugar together with their acidity and high percentage of sweetness create an unpleasant environment for growth of microorganism.

Sterilization of jars is vital. Do not skip this step in case you are storing the Jam for a long time. Also use multiple bottles to store the same jam instead of a single big jar. This is helpful to prevent the entire batch going bad.

Always use fresh fruits, white sugar for preparing jams.

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